Education savings
Create an education savings strategy designed to make the grade. Start today by exploring these helpful resources.

Like final exams, paying for college may seem overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. It just takes planning, which means starting early and investing consistently. Start today by exploring our resources – and then contact your local Edward Jones financial advisor to create an education savings strategy best suited to your needs.
Saving for your child's college education
What to consider and how to create a college savings plan that works best for your family.
Education savings checklist
From putting your strategy in place to preparing for unexpected events, start checking off the boxes to help ensure you can hit your goal.
What is a 529 plan?
Learn about the benefits of this popular education savings account as well as tips to help get the most from it.
Education savings options
For something as important as education savings, there's no single right way to go. It's all about your own situation. Explore different options that can help you achieve your goals.
How can I balance saving for college and retirement?
Saving for retirement? And saving for college? It can be intimidating to think about saving for both – but it doesn't have to be.
Sending a child to college
Now that your child is almost ready for college, you're probably wondering what to do next in terms of your financial strategy and retirement goals. This checklist can help guide you.