Tips to help keep you cybersafe

 Man using laptop.

As more aspects of daily life move online, your chances of becoming a victim of cybertheft increase. Criminals go where there’s opportunity – but you’re not defenseless. Follow these tips to help keep your information secure.

Online shopping

  • Don’t select “remember my password” or check a box to save your information. Consider a password management program to keep track of your passwords.
  • Use a credit card instead of a debit card, if possible. Credit cards have stronger protection from fraudulent charges. Avoid storing money in apps or on gift cards for the same reason.
  • Log out of sites before you leave them. Important: Closing a browser window is not the same as logging out.
  • Look for “https://” in the web address. The “s” means the site is secure.

Home network/Wi-Fi

  • Update any default names and passwords (including administrator passwords) tied to your router and wireless network.
  • If your guests plan to use your Wi-Fi, set up a guest Wi-Fi and password to help protect your devices from their online activities.
  • Make sure your wireless router’s encryption feature is turned on. (This may appear as “WPA2” or “WPA3,” which is the newer and more secure option.) This scrambles any information you send.

Smart devices

  • Install software updates for your devices as soon as they’re available to ensure you have the latest security patches.
  • Lock your screen, and choose a strong password. If available, use biometrics (such as facial recognition) to unlock your device.
  • Turn off location settings for your camera and photos. Thieves can track your movements by accessing this data.
  • Connect your home’s smart devices to your guest Wi-Fi network to protect your primary network if a device is compromised.

Social media

  • Regularly review your privacy settings, and consider updating them so only people you know or approve can view your information. Connect only with people you know and trust.
  • Limit what you share online. Keep information such as your birth year, full name, address and vacation plans private.
  • Use strong passwords or passphrases, and don’t reuse them across sites. Multifactor authentication can add another layer of security for your accounts.

Email/instant messaging

  • Look for signs of fraud – such as odd word choices, misspelled words, urgent requests or offers that seem too good to be true – even in messages that appear to come from a friend.
  • Don’t click on links or attachments from people you don’t know.
  • Be sure your instant messaging application is encrypted to help prevent access to your communications.

Visit for more resources to help you stay cybersafe.